A Photograph from Ramey’s Camera



Above: Ramey Stokes (left) and Annie Cottrill walk in a Transcendentalist cemetery. Take a look at pages from Ramey’s journal and at another photograph from Ramey’s camera.




Ramey Stokes is an English major at Shepherd University.


“American Transcendentalism: An Online Travel Guide” was produced by students in ENGL 446, American Transcendentalism, and ENGL 447, American Literature and the Prominence of Place: A Travel Practicum. These courses were team-taught in the Department of English at Shepherd College (now Shepherd University), Shepherdstown, West Virginia, in Spring 2002 by Dr. Patricia Dwyer and Dr. Linda Tate. For more information on the course and the web project, visit “About This Site.” © 2003 Linda Tate.